
Saturday 25 February 2012


Good evening all!

So today I begrudgingly removed my Butter London Disco Biscuit that I loved oh so much in order to do yet another mani on myself.  I will warn any of you that use the Disco Biscuit (by itself with three coats that is) it is kind of a biotch to remove, although not as bad as glitters.  The only reason I removed the Girlicious mani so soon was not because I didn't adore it but because this was now my third day couped up in the house and I was going batty and needed something to occupy me this afternoon while Daniel was napping.  As you know I was having Devereux's "growing pains" on Thursday and stayed home from work due to the super uncomfortableness, then Friday Daniel was sick and couldn't go to daycare so I stayed home yet again.  Today there was so much snow from the three days of basically constant snowing that I can't dig out the truck or shovel the driveway on my own so we are stuck in the house still even though both Daniel and I are feeling much improved.  Major bummer!!!  Both Daniel and I were going batty earlier today and didn't have that great of an afternoon/evening.  But we got some FaceTime with Dorian/Daddy after dinner (who is sadly still stuck working out of town) which cheered both of us up and Daniel had a nice bath with lots of bubbles and we had fun with the bubbles so that cheered us both up as well.  Now that Daniel is fast asleep I can show you my mani from earlier this afternoon which I am dubbing "Rainbowriffic".
Today I used another untried Butter London, Knackered (love that name LOL) and OPI's Servin' Up Sparkle.  I did quick reviews of both of these polishes a couple days ago in my "Newest Treasures" post if you want to take a look.  I will elaborate on those as I have now actually used them more rather than just playing with them on practice wheels and I have a better sense for both of these polishes.

I started out with Knackered which is a lovely but quite sheer and almost frosty duochrome color from Butter London with fine rainbowy/holographic micro glitter throughout.  I will warn you now, the pictures do NOT do this color justice at all and you really must see it for yourself in person to appreciate it fully.  This is yet another one of my brand new favorites and actually I think it is only my second duochrome polish.  The formula was really nice to work with and although it was sheer, each coat gave good coverage.  I did have to use three coats to get full opacity though.  I suppose I could have used a solid base coat and then just layered the Knackered over top of that but I wanted the full effect of Knackered and Knackered alone.
One, two and three coats of Knackered in the daylight
Two and three coats of Knackered in artificial light
The duochrome properties seem to show up better in the daylight but you can't see the micro glitter as well in the daylight.  However you can see the micro glitter a bit better in the artificial light but then the duochrome look is somewhat lost.  This color definitely reminds me of an oyster shell.  It is the perfect way to describe it as the color shifts from greyish to green to purple.  Each coat went on like butter and each coat dried rather quickly so it actually didn't take that much time to do three coats, even with taking pictures in between each coat LOL.

Because I'm a sucker for sparkle, glitter and glam, I decided to jazz up the Knackered just a bit with a glitter gradient on the tips so as not to completely cover the Knackered but to just add a little more pizzaz! OPI's Servin' Up Sparkle was the perfect pair to Knackered as it had the same tones in the glitter, just more of it and larger holographic glitter to boot!  The Servin' Up Sparkle was your typical glitter consistency.  The micro glitter and large holo glitter in this formula are amazing as they really catch the light and are very rainbowy.  Again, pics do NOT do this polish justice.  I am not looking forward to removing this polish when the time comes and the aluminium foil will definitely be coming out but I love the final look of this mani.  I wish the sun would come out here in Edmonton so I can really see it dazzle in the sunlight.  Until then I guess I have to just love and enjoy it in the cloudy, snowy daylight and artificial light ;P

Here's the final results!
In the daylight
Another angle in the daylight
In artificial light
In the daylight 
In artificial light
Close up in daylight
As always, please feel free to leave any comments or questions.  And if you read my blog regularly please join as a follower :)  Also don't forget to ask me about cheap manis and help me gain some much needed experience before I take some classes after Devereux arrives and while I'm on maternity leave :)  Can't wait!

Now since I'm all by my lonesome again tonight, I am off to curl up with the poochies and watch some more Sex and the City :)

Good night all!

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