
Monday 26 March 2012

25 weeks - March 16, 2012

I'm still a little behind in my blog posts.  Sorry all.  Today I thought I'd post a quick update on my pregnancy.

I went for my routine OB checkup on March 16, 2012 which put me at approximately 25 weeks.  Doctor said I was doing well and still tiny, although I told him I was feeling huge and like baby was going to bust out LOL.  It seems I'm growing more and more every day.  Devereux's heart rate that day was 139 bpm and doc said it was perfect, as was mine.  Here's a self portrait I took in the bathroom mirror before my doctor's appointment that morning.

According to my iphone app, Devi is approximately the size of a cucumber now (15 inches, 2.2 lbs.).  As I'm a little behind on my posts, I am actually currently 26 weeks and 4 days along.  Apparently at this stage Devi's auditory development is progressing and although the sounds he hears are muffled, he may recognize both mine and Dorian's voices now :).  And even cooler, it may actually be possible for Dorian to hear Devi's heartbeat now just by him pressing his ear to my belly.  We'll have to try it later when there's no noise of dogs or anything.

That's all for tonight folks.  I actually have developed a cold so I think I'm going to have a soak in the tub with my eucalyptus salts and relax a little before heading to bed early tonight.

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