
Monday 17 September 2012


Hello all!

I am thrilled!!!  I was nominated for my first blog award by Casey Danton of Saving the World One Nail at a Time who says she loves my Potions!  The Liebster Award is given to up and coming blogs with under 200 followers.

Again I am thrilled and honoured and this is quite an accomplishment to me as I'm just starting out in all of this and don't have a lot of time on my hands to keep up with things right now due to being a new mommy with a baby and a toddler.

Here's how it works:

  1. The recipient must post 11 fun facts about themselves
  2. The recipient must also answer 11 questions created by the award giver
  3. The recipient must give the award to 11 new bloggers with less than 200 followers and post 11 questions for them to answer
  4. These 11 bloggers must be told they have been given the award
  5. They will in turn pass the award to 11 new bloggers of their choice (no tagging back the award giver.

11 Fun Facts About Me:

  1. I never got any of my wisdom teeth
  2. I got married, became a step-mommy and got pregnant all in the same year <3
  3. I wore gel nails for over 10 years and have only been working on my real nails and become a nail polish addict since January of this year 
  4. My first polish that got me hooked was from the OPI Muppet collection and it was "Gone Gonzo" 
  5. I've never broken a bone in my body or had stitches (not counting after childbirth LOL :S)
  6. All the guys I have ever had serious relationships with were always 1 of 3 siblings, always all boys.  No idea why it kept on happening or how I found only guys with no sisters LOL
  7. I have a West Highland White Terrier named Chloe.  Her full registered name is Chloe Kyleah of Dunsbairn 
  8. When I moved in with my husband (then just boyfriend) and his son almost 2 years ago I "acquired" a French Bulldog by the name of Karl LOL 
  9. I've tried my hand at selling both PartyLite and Arbonne all in an attempt to be able to work from home and be my own boss.  Neither worked LOL. 
  10. My first name has the same letters as BEER.  Coincidence?  I think not!  LOL 
  11. My first name is not short for anything.  It is just Bree.  The story goes, my parents were going to name me Breanne (a combination of their names - Brian & Jo-Ann) but figured everyone would just end up calling me Bree anyway so they left it at that.

11 Questions for me:
  1. What is your all time, hands down, favorite nail polish? I love a fabulous glitter but also a glitter that is versatile and yet unique.  It's got to be Essie's Shine of the Times from their Luxeffects collection.  It's multicolored flakes so not just your typical glitter and it can be worn over top of any polish to give it a different look and it looks different over every polish.
  2. What is your earliest nail polish memory?  Trying to remove that "Gone Gonzo" before I knew about the acetone and tin foil trick LOL.  It was three coats and fully opaque.  It had stayed on for weeks but I gave up with the conventional polish remover and cotton balls (after quite a mess of cotton shreds and not much removal of the glitter itself) and ended up filing and picking most of it off!  Totally wretched my nails and wouldn't touch glitter for a long time until I learned about the acetone and tin foil trick. 
  3. In all honesty it would be my Grammy Helen's.  I've done her nails many times before and miss doing them.  But she always lets me do whatever I want and doesn't just limit herself to the typical "older lady" colors.  And it's always a fantastic conversation and afternoon of tea/coffee and "girl talk" <3 
  4. I've been into nails and nail art for longer than I can actually remember but majority of my nail experiences have been with getting gel nails done.  I always had stickers applied or designs painted on depending on where I would go and always had different colored tips done.  It's only been since January of this year that I've been into doing the nail thing myself and had my natural nails.  But since January of this year my natural nails have never been stronger or better looking and I'm thrilled.  I got into gel nails in the first place cuz I loved having long nails but my natural nails were ugly and super weak no matter what I did.
  5. If zombie apocalypse began right now, would you take any nail supplies?  Which?  Definitely!!  I'd take my China Glaze Calcium Gel Fortifier (that's what I attribute my now super strong natural nails to), a quick dry top coat, my glass nail file and my entire portable drawer set of all my polishes.  If I'm running away from hoards of zombies I won't have time to decide which polishes to take so why not do the quick and easy thing and take the hole drawer unit?!?! (then I'd also have more polishes LOL)
  6. Have you ever used nail polish for a non-paint-your-nails activity? Actually yes, and it was before I was into polish.  It was in Jr. High School.  I used a glitter polish of some description (probably Sally Hansen) to paint my locker lock to make it all nice and sparkly LOL 
  7. Which bottle of polish is most sentimental to you and why?  I don't really have a sentimental polish.  Although, if I had to choose one I would probably say my bottle of "Gone Gonzo".  It was the first polish I actually purchased when getting into the nail polish thing and I bought it because I fell in love with it after getting it done on my toes during the best pedicure of my life at the Rimrock Hotel and Resort in Banff, AB when I was there last December between Xmas and New Year's for my honeymoon with my husband.  It makes me think of my honeymoon and being with my husband :) <3  
  8. How do you store all of your nail polish? I have a plastic drawer storage container.  It's got three drawers and I have my polishes organized by drawer into the categories of: Glitter, Shimmer/Metallic, Other. 
  9. Who is the person you end up doing your nails around the most? My baby boy LOL.  I do it when he is napping so I have his chair or swing near my desk so I can keep an eye on him and I do my manis as fast as I can.  Sometimes I'm lucky and able to finish a whole mani in one nap.  But most times it takes a few naps or even a few days to finish the whole thing :) 
  10. What brand do you own the most of? I can't say for absolute certain without counting bottles right now but I'm pretty sure it's China Glaze.
  11. What is your favorite non polish but, nail related product? My glass nail file.  Works like a charm and can be sanitized.  And it's PINK! LOL :)

11 Questions for my chosen blogs:
  1. What got you interested in blogging and got you started on your own blog?
  2. What is your go-to nail product?
  3. What is your all-time favorite manicure you've done?
  4. What brand of nail polish do you own the most of?
  5. Describe the workplace where you do your nails and blogging.
  6. What is your absolute favorite nail polish?
  7. Who are your nail inspirations?
  8. What is your biggest nail-related pet peeve?
  9. Are your nails acrylic, gel or natural and why?
  10. What was the first nail polish you ever bought?
  11. Where do you get the majority of your nail polish products from?

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