
Thursday 23 February 2012

Growing Pains

Morning all,

So today I am at home.  I should be at work but am not due to what I am calling major growing pains.  As you know, I am pregnant and I am now 22 weeks.  The last day or so my tummy has been rather itchy no matter how much I slather it with moisturizers and such.  I have also been feeling like things inside are a little more jam packed than they used to feel.  I've been feeling the baby (Devereux) more and more over the last few days as well and that coupled with the itchy belly and everything else I figured he and I were in for a growth spurt.  Well, the proof is in the pudding and last night the proof began.  I woke up in the middle of the night/morning with these growing pains like my stomach was stretching immensely from the inside out.  I tossed and turned and was very uncomfy for the remainder of the night/morning and am exhausted due to this.  When my alarm went off to get ready for work I was so uncomfortable and couldn't find a good position and I was exhausted.  Devereux is definitely growing and I am definitely suffering from his growing pains I would say.  I've been told that these happen and some woman luckily avoid them and don't really feel them but this woman is not so lucky.  When I went into the bathroom I swear my baby bump was like twice the size it was when I went to bed last night and I feel "huge" compared to the last week.  So today I figured I would just take it easy at home and rest up and try to be as comfy as possible which would not be possible propped in an office chair in front of a computer all day (which is how I would be at work).  Even though I'm on the computer right now at home, I'm reclined in our luxurious desk arm chair with my feet up and I have as little pressure on my tummy as possible to allow Mr. Devereux to stretch out which is clearly what he feels he needs at this point despite my feelings towards this issue LOL.

Just thought I would give a quick update and let you in on this newest "development" in my pregnancy.  I still consider myself quite lucky during this pregnancy so far in that I haven't been sick or very nauseous at all and I don't suffer from major or really any food cravings and smells and such don't seem to phase me.  So I guess I can't really complain too much about some growing pains but let me tell you, it was not pleasant this morning and Mr. Devereux is making his presence very known today!

Well I am off to relax on the couch with my puppies for a bit and maybe drop off for a little nap.  I'll probably be back on with another post later today as I plan to do some nail painting since I'm at home and relaxing :)  Plus I did my Grammy Helen's nails last night and I have not yet had a chance to publish a post on that manicure.  So stay tuned...

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