
Thursday 23 February 2012

Newest Treasures

Good afternoon all!  Well, I have not been able to nap but I have relaxed and chilled as well as done a new mani on myself (another post to follow this one soon).  Right now though I would like to share with you the newest treasures I have gotten for polishes over the last little while.  I haven't tried all of these out yet but I am very excited to and cannot wait to try each and every one, which made deciding on what to do for today's mani very difficult LOL.

I will go over each of these polishes in groups:

Left - Silver, Right - Miss Minty
Gosh cosmetics added nail polish to their makeup line a while ago.  While I hadn't bought or even tried any of their polishes prior I do love their makeup and use it regularly.  When I saw their polishes on sale at Shopper's Drugmart (further savings when you bought 2 or more - $5.00 each) I thought "why not!?"  The silver is a silver foil polish and like nothing I have in my collection.  I was even more pleased with it out of the bottle and in use than just looking at the bottle.  Also, it is a one coater!!!  You can obviously do more than one coat if you like but it really is not necessary with this one.

I fell in love with the seafoamy green color of the Miss Minty as soon as I saw it and could not resist, again something completely different from anything I already had.  I have not used the Miss Minty in an actual manicure yet but have played with it on a practice wheel and again it seems to be a one coater.  The formulas for these polishes are fabulous.  Not too thin or runny and they have amazing coverage.  The Miss Minty is one of the nicest creme polishes I've used/tried.  And like I said, I was stunned by how gorgeous the silver actually was when using it, never mind just looking at it in the bottle.  I haven't worn either of these polishes or used them on anyone else for any length of time as yet so I'm not certain about wearability and how long they could go without chipping but I'm really not too concerned with that as I am very happy about all the other qualities of these polishes.  I would definitely recommend Gosh nail polish to anyone!!  While a lot of their shades did not seem to be super unique (which is not surprising given how many polish brands are out there and they all repeat each other at some point really) their color selection was not too shabby and the colors were quite lovely.  There was variety in that they had cremes, pearls, foils and shimmers.  The Shoppers I was at had limited selection left so I'm sure there are tons of polishes from Gosh that I'm not even aware of, but from what I saw I didn't notice any glitters in their line.

Left - Servin' Up Sparkle, Middle - Grape Set Match, Right - Aquadelic
The two OPI polishes above came in a set.  They were part of the Serena Williams Glam Slam collection.  Servin' Up Sparkle does just that, serves up sparkle, sparkle and more sparkle.  It is a mix of several different sizes of holographic glitter and shimmer.  It's impossible to get a true sense of it with a camera and must be seen in person to really wow and dazzle you.  The fact that I'm like a raven and love anything that sparkles aside, I love this glitter and it is one of my favorites in my collection now.  It makes a killer top coat and I'm sure it would be a stunner all on its own but you'd probably have to use something crazy like 3 or even 4 coats to get full coverage since all the glitter is in a clear base.  I have not tried it on its own as I haven't wanted to fuss with the removal of a lot of glitter lately, especially with  how often I've been changing my manis LOL.

The Grape Set Match is a gorgeous shimmery holo deep purple.  I found the formula of this one to be rather thin and it was a bit difficult to get nice even coverage due to how thin it was.  I did manage to get nice solid and even coverage in just 2 coats but it took a lot of strokes with both coats and I probably could have used a third coat but didn't bother.  The Grape Set Match is a perfect partner for Servin' Up Sparkle which I'm sure is why they put the two of them together in a set!!!  But even on its own, the Grape Set Match is a stunner and another one of my favorites in my collection now, despite it's runny consistency.  It's like nothing I have already.

Last in this group is China Glaze Aquadelic from the Electropop collection.  I love this color!  I did ever since I caught wind of the Electropop collection.  I got a mini set of four of the Electropop colors but alas, Aquadelic was not one of them.  Oh well, now I have a full sized bottle of it so I have even more!!! The more and more swatches I saw of this polish the more and more I liked it.  I had ordered it before I found the Gosh Miss Minty and didn't think they were at all similar.  However, after buying the Miss Minty and then receiving my Aquadelic in the mail from I realized how similar they were.  I don't regret having both by any means.  They are different.  Aquadelic is a slightly greener hue and about a shade or two darker than the Gosh Miss Minty.  Could probably do a really fantastic ombre manicure with these two colors actually!! I have not yet worn my Aquadelic either but have played with it on a practice wheel and the coverage is fantastic and it is probably another one coater.  Gotta love that!!! :)

Left - Thames, Right - Disco Biscuit
And now for my crown jewels so far!!!! <3 <3 <3  I first heard about Butter London from some lovely and talented ladies I follow on Instagram.  Butters are certainly a higher end polish but you definitely get what you pay for and the colors are so unique and fabulous and can be used in so many different ways.  I'm addicted to Butters now.  The names are pretty awesome too :)  And if my husband knew anything about nail polish he would probably be very pleased that I love Butter London as he is from London and very British LOL!  To be clear, that's not why I love Butters but the Brits do know what they are doing when it comes to nail polish that is for sure!!!!!  Thames is a fantastic metallic-like shimmering peacock green.  I wish I knew about this and had this for my wedding back in October (peacock theme/colors).  I have not yet used this for a mani but have something special planned for it for a St. Patrick's Day mani in a couple weeks.  From what I've done with it on a practice wheel it is a more sheer color and you will definitely need a couple or three coats to get the opacity if opacity is what you want.  But OMG this is a true stunner and the most fabulous green!  Like no green I have in my collection and other greens will be hard pressed to match up to what I think of this one.

Disco Biscuit is easily one of my absolute favorite polishes in my collection and possibly my absolute favorite right now.  I saw it on Instagram a while ago and fell in love with it and waited for it for soooooo long.  Now that I have it it's even better than I imagined.  It's a wonderful and girly hot pink jelly base with fantastic but sort of subtle bright purpley/bluey glitters suspended in it.  IT'S FANFREAKINTASTIC!!!!!! <3 <3 <3  It goes on rather sheer so you can either use it as a layering polish over top of another more opaque or creme polish or just use three coats of it on its own which is what I did and it is worth the extra coats and effort!!!!  I don't know that I would ever actually use it as a layering polish.  I love the jelly effect when you use it on its own with all the coats and you get more and more shimmer/glitter with every coat and they shine and peek through every layer and it's just so fun and fabulous!!!!!!!!!  The consistency of this polish was a little thicker than I'm used to working with but by no means was it difficult to use or messy and it didn't deter me one bit.  How could anything deter you from this super fun, gorgeous color?!?!?! :D

Left - No More Waity Katie, Right - Knackered
More Butters!!!!! <3 <3 <3  I can't wait to use these.  They are totally unique and so stunning in so many different ways, from each other and from anything else I own.  No More Waity Katie is actually a limited edition polish that was released in celebration of the Royal Wedding (prior to the wedding actually taking place).  It is a very different color and admittedly will not be everyone's cup of tea but it is very classy and unique and I doubt there will ever be anything else like it.  It is a bit on the sheer side and from some other reviews I have read it is a bit thicker as well and not as easy to apply as some other polishes.  I have not tried this myself but cannot wait to.  I'm very curious to see how it looks in person since it is so different.  Again, it can be used as a layering polish or with several coats you can achieve full coverage with this polish alone.  It is a purpley grey base with just the right amount of lilac glitter suspended in the base.  I cannot get over just how different it is and I'm sure I will be trying it in the very near future! :)

Knackered is also quite unique.  It's a blue, purple, green duchrome polish and the colors shift depending on the angle and depending on the light.  Plus there is fabulous fine rainbow glitter suspended in it!!!  Again, I have not tried this out myself yet but I cannot wait to.  From the little bit I have used it for on a practice wheel it is rather sheer and frosty you might say.  You would probably need three coats to get full coverage and decent opacity with this polish on its own but I'm also looking forward to playing with it as a layering polish over lots of different shades of purple, blue and green.

Well there you have it, all of my newest treasures, each one quite different from the other and several different brands but all fantastic.  Stay tuned in the future for full manis and reviews of the polishes above that I have not yet used and please feel free to leave any comments if you have tried any of these polishes yourself.

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